All Versions of Chaos Mesh
Each version of Chaos Mesh will have its fixed support cycle. As we continue to develop and iterate, some versions will be phased out over time. We will keep the last three stable and development versions in the official documentation, and the rest will be archived.
You can learn more about our version support via Supported Releases.
Development version
The development version is the latest version of Chaos Mesh. It is under active development and may be unstable. It is not recommended to use it in production.
View DocumentationRecent CommitsStable versions
The stable versions are the latest three versions of Chaos Mesh. They are stable and recommended to use in production.
Release Date: 2024.03.04.
Release Date: 2024.03.04.
v2.5.2 (Unsupported)
Release Date: 2023.04.13.
Archived versions
The archived versions are the versions of Chaos Mesh that are no longer supported. We recommand you to upgrade to the latest stable version if possible.