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本文主要介绍如何使用 Chaosd 模拟磁盘故障场景。使用该功能,你可以在物理机器上模拟磁盘读写负载(通过 dd)或磁盘填充(通过 ddfallocate)。



在创建磁盘故障实验前,可运行以下命令行查看 Chaosd 支持的磁盘故障类型:

chaosd attack disk -h


disk attack related command
chaosd attack disk [command]
Available Commands:
add-payload add disk payload
fill fill disk
-h, --help help for disk
Global Flags:
--log-level string the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'
Use "chaosd attack disk [command] --help" for more information about a command.

目前 Chaosd 支持创建磁盘读负载实验、磁盘写负载实验、磁盘填充实验。



chaosd attack disk add-payload read -h


read payload
chaosd attack disk add-payload read [flags]
-h, --help help for read
-p, --path string 'path' specifies the location to read data.If path not provided, payload will read from disk mount on "/"
-n, --process-num uint8 'process-num' specifies the number of process work on reading , default 1, only 1-255 is valid value (default 1)
-s, --size string 'size' specifies how many units of data will read from the file path.'unit' specifies the unit of data, support c=1, w=2, b=512, kB=1000, K=1024, MB=1000*1000,M=1024*1024, , GB=1000*1000*1000, G=1024*1024*1024 BYTESexample : 1M | 512kB
Global Flags:
--log-level string the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'


pathp指定所读数据的文件路径。如果没有设置此参数,或者设置参数值为空字符串,则从目录“/”所挂载的虚拟磁盘文件读取。根据读取文件的权限不同,会需要用户使用一定的权限运行本程序。string 类型,默认为""
process-numn指定使用多少个并发运行的 dd 进程执行程序。uint8 类型,默认值为 1,范围为 1-255
sizes指定读取多少数据。size 为 多个 dd 读数据的总量。


chaosd attack disk add-payload read -s 1000G -n 7 -p /dev/zero


andrew@LAPTOP-NUS30NQD:~/chaosd/bin$ ./chaosd attack disk add-payload read -s 1000G -n 7 -p /dev/zero
[2021/05/20 13:54:31.323 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:128] ["5242880+0 records in\n5242880+0 records out\n5242880 bytes (5.2 MB, 5.0 MiB) copied, 4.13252 s, 1.3 MB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 13:54:46.977 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["146285+0 records in\n146285+0 records out\n153390940160 bytes (153 GB, 143 GiB) copied, 15.6513 s, 9.8 GB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 13:54:47.002 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["146285+0 records in\n146285+0 records out\n153390940160 bytes (153 GB, 143 GiB) copied, 15.6762 s, 9.8 GB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 13:54:47.004 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["146285+0 records in\n146285+0 records out\n153390940160 bytes (153 GB, 143 GiB) copied, 15.6777 s, 9.8 GB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 13:54:47.015 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["146285+0 records in\n146285+0 records out\n153390940160 bytes (153 GB, 143 GiB) copied, 15.6899 s, 9.8 GB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 13:54:47.018 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["146285+0 records in\n146285+0 records out\n153390940160 bytes (153 GB, 143 GiB) copied, 15.6914 s, 9.8 GB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 13:54:47.051 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["146285+0 records in\n146285+0 records out\n153390940160 bytes (153 GB, 143 GiB) copied, 15.7254 s, 9.8 GB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 13:54:47.074 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["146285+0 records in\n146285+0 records out\n153390940160 bytes (153 GB, 143 GiB) copied, 15.7487 s, 9.7 GB/s\n"]
Read file /dev/zero successfully, uid: 4bc9b74a-5fe2-4038-b4f2-09ae95b57694



chaosd attack disk add-payload write -h


write payload
chaosd attack disk add-payload write [flags]
-h, --help help for write
-p, --path string 'path' specifies the location to fill data in.If path not provided, payload will write into a temp file, temp file will be deleted after writing
-n, --process-num uint8 'process-num' specifies the number of process work on writing , default 1, only 1-255 is valid value (default 1)
-s, --size string 'size' specifies how many units of data will write into the file path.'unit' specifies the unit of data, support c=1, w=2, b=512, kB=1000, K=1024, MB=1000*1000,M=1024*1024, , GB=1000*1000*1000, G=1024*1024*1024 BYTESexample : 1M | 512kB
Global Flags:
--log-level string the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'


pathp指定所写数据的文件路径。如果没有设置此参数,或者设置参数值为空字符串,则会在程序执行目录下创建一个临时文件。根据写入文件的权限不同,会需要用户使用一定的权限运行本程序。string 类型,默认为 ""
process-numn指定使用多少个并发运行的 dd 进程执行程序。uint8 类型。默认值为 1,范围为 1-255
sizes指定写入多少数据,size 为 多个 dd 写数据的总量。string 类型,默认为"",合法形式为一个整数加一个单位。例如:1M、512kB。支持的单位有 c=1、w=2、b=512、kB=1000、K=1024、MB=1000*1000,M=1024*1024、GB=1000*1000*1000、G=1024*1024*1024 BYTE 等。size 不能为 "" 。


chaosd attack disk add-payload write -s 2G -n 8


[2021/05/20 14:28:14.452 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:128] ["0+0 records in\n0+0 records out\n0 bytes copied, 4.3e-05 s, 0.0 kB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 14:28:16.793 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["256+0 records in\n256+0 records out\n268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 2.32841 s, 115 MB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 14:28:16.793 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["256+0 records in\n256+0 records out\n268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 2.3344 s, 115 MB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 14:28:16.793 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["256+0 records in\n256+0 records out\n268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 2.33312 s, 115 MB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 14:28:16.793 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["256+0 records in\n256+0 records out\n268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 2.33466 s, 115 MB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 14:28:16.793 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["256+0 records in\n256+0 records out\n268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 2.33189 s, 115 MB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 14:28:16.793 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["256+0 records in\n256+0 records out\n268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 2.33752 s, 115 MB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 14:28:16.793 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["256+0 records in\n256+0 records out\n268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 2.33295 s, 115 MB/s\n"]
[2021/05/20 14:28:16.794 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:147] ["256+0 records in\n256+0 records out\n268435456 bytes (268 MB, 256 MiB) copied, 2.3359 s, 115 MB/s\n"]
Write file /home/andrew/chaosd/bin/example255569279 successfully, uid: e66afd86-6f3e-43a0-b161-09447ed84856



chaosd attack disk fill -h


fill disk
chaosd attack disk fill [flags]
-d, --destroy destroy file after filled in or allocated
-f, --fallocate fill disk by fallocate instead of dd (default true)
-h, --help help for fill
-p, --path string 'path' specifies the location to fill data in.If path not provided, a temp file will be generated and deleted immediately after data filled in or allocated
-c, --percent string 'percent' how many percent data of disk will fill in the file path
-s, --size string 'size' specifies how many units of data will fill in the file path.'unit' specifies the unit of data, support c=1, w=2, b=512, kB=1000, K=1024, MB=1000*1000,M=1024*1024, , GB=1000*1000*1000, G=1024*1024*1024 BYTESexample : 1M | 512kB
Global Flags:
--log-level string the log level of chaosd, the value can be 'debug', 'info', 'warn' and 'error'


destroyd如果此参数为 true ,则在填充文件后立即删除填充文件bool 类型,默认为 false。
fallocatef如果此参数为 true ,则使用 linux 调用 fallocate 来快速申请磁盘空间,此时 size 必须大于 0。如果此参数为 false,则使用 linux 调用 dd 以相对较慢速度填充磁盘。bool 类型,默认为 true。
pathp指定所写数据的文件路径。如果没有设置此参数,或者设置参数值为空字符串,则会在程序执行目录下创建一个临时文件。根据写入文件的权限不同,会需要用户使用一定的权限运行本程序。string 类型,默认为 ""
percentc指定填充多少百分比磁盘。string 类型,默认为 "",可以填入 uint 类型的正整数, size 不能和 percent 都为 ""
sizes指定写入多少数据。string 类型,默认为"",合法形式为一个整数加一个单位。例如:1M、512kB。支持的单位有 c=1、w=2、b=512、kB=1000、K=1024、MB=1000*1000,M=1024*1024、GB=1000*1000*1000、G=1024*1024*1024 BYTE 等。size 不能和 percent 都为 "" 。


chaosd attack disk fill -c 50 -d


[2021/05/20 14:30:02.943 +08:00] [INFO] [disk.go:215]
Fill file /home/andrew/chaosd/bin/example623832242 successfully, uid: 097b4214-8d8e-46ad-8768-c3e0d8cbb326

